Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blogpost 8: The Importance of Education

It is always a dream for every parent to be able to see their child finish their studies. They will do everything to find a job in able to secure the education of their kids. Here in the Philippines, due to the increasing number of population, education is really something to be worked hard for. They say education is a treasure nobody can ever steal from you, which is true. Education is something you can pass generation from generation.

At an early age, education for younger kids is an enjoyment. They go to school make new friends, eat their favorite snacks, etc. But as you level up, things get harder. You have to go through graduating the 6th grade and then the 12th, get a degree in college. Finally be able to apply all those at work however, it is not that easy.

A years pass by, a great number of children has been stopping from going to school. Merely because they don't have money to pay for education or simply because they can't find any purpose in it. What do I mean by what I just said? Due to the booming industry of call centers, a lot of young people sees education as something to be optional already. They think that because majority of people who works to day are undergraduate, they can also just do the same. However, they do not foresee the downfall of it. Being not able to finish education until college won't bring you nowhere. Yes, you may have a job but is it a good job? A great number of big companies require a college diploma because with that they have an assurance that the quality of education of employees will allow their companies reach farther.

In article written by Raymond Gerson entitled Helping Students Find a Purpose for Their Education from the Education Articles, he listed down a few question for students that may help them think of their purpose and so as their education. Here are sample questions from his article that could some self-reflection for the students before they decide what career would they take:
  1. What purpose do you want to accomplish in your career?
  2. What benefits do you want others to receive as a result of the work you do?
  3. What specific populations of people do you want to help?
  4. How do you want to contribute and make a positive difference for others?
  5. If you were wealthy and chose to work what would you do?
  6. What problem or need in the world would you most like to fill or solve?
  7. If you knew you could not fail what type of work would you do?
  8. What are some natural talents you would like to develop and use in a career to fulfill your work purpose?
Mr. Gerson understands that doing a job is one thing but loving it is another. As he quote, "When we expect students who lack self-knowledge and a work purpose to choose a major and career, we are putting the cart before the horse." Our future is should not decided tomorrow but rather it should be decided today.

Finding a purpose may mean a lot to the child's education but it wouldn't matter if he or she won't be able to apply it. like what I've stated earlier, population is also a factor in education The more number of children in a family, the less chance they'd be able to finish their education or even have an education. That's why there are certain ways they have come up with to help those who can't go to school. And that is Educating Through Technology, an article written by Linda Warren from Education Articles. Its her insight on finding ways to make education more interesting for children who are undergoing a homeschool curriculum. This ay also apply to those who volunteers to teach education on the streets for free, or anywhere else outside the school. What by "through technology"? Through the use of  computers, electric visual aids; children will be more interested if they see new things at "school".

In the end, no matter where you are as long as you love what you are doing and you are open to be teachable, you will surely benefit from your work or studies. The meaning of education may have been different from then and now but it doesn't change the value of it in our lives individually. Pursue education, pursue success.

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